January 9, 2025 - Blog Post

Fire Safety with Lithium-Ion Batteries

Lithium-ion battery technology and equipment is commonly found in business and residential applications, increasingly used for day-to-day devices such as power tools, laptops, cell phones, cameras, toys, e-mobility devices, medical devices, and automobiles. If not used properly, these batteries can be very hazardous, resulting in a fire, explosion, or inhalation hazard for those nearby.

Lithium-ion batteries most commonly fail under the following circumstances:

  • Overcharging – Leaving the batteries on a charger too long can lead to expansion of the internal cells and results in increased temperatures and pressures.
  • Overcurrent – Charging batteries at a faster rate than recommended or discharging the batteries at a faster rate than recommended by the manufacturer, also leads to increased temperatures in the internal cells and failure of the battery.
  • Over temperature/Under temperature – Using batteries, storing batteries, or exposing batteries to temperatures above or below the manufacturer’s recommendations can change the physical properties of the internal cells.
  • Physical Damage – Lithium-ion batteries that are crushed, punctured, or exposed to shock or excessive vibration may result in an explosion if internal protection devices are damaged.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when using lithium-ion batteries:

  • Stop using the battery if you notice an odor, colour change, excessive heat, or odd noises.
  • Read and follow the manufacturer’s instruction provided with the device. Only use the charger or charging cable that came with the device.
  • Allow batteries to adjust to room temperature before recharging.
  • Never store or charge lithium-ion batteries in exit stairwells, public corridors, or inside sleeping rooms.
  • It is recommended apartment buildings and businesses have a designated room for storing lithium-ion operated e-mobility devices that is separate from public areas.
  • Properly dispose of old batteries at an approved battery recycling drop-off location.

Lithium-ion batteries not only add to the ease and enjoyment of our day-to-day lives, but it also plays an important role in saving lives every day. It is important that all citizens understand and handle the technology appropriately and do their part to reduce the risks and hazards associated with improperly using lithium-ion batteries.

Joshua A. Bradley, FPO


Government of Canada. (2024, November). Battery safety: Lithium-ion batteries. [Website] https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/household-products/battery-safety/lithium-ion.html

National Fire Protection Association. (2023). Lithium-Ion Battery Safety. https://www.nfpa.org/education-and-research/home-fire-safety/lithium-ion-batteries

Touchette, S., Recoskie, S., Torlone, G., MacNeil, D. (2021, June). Lithium-ion battery safety primer. National Research Council. https://doi.org/10.4224/40002664.

Tag(s): Fire Safety